
Sunday, 20 September 2009 17:48

Croix Blanche, Picardy

Written by carp, catfish
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Promote your business at UK FishermanCroix Blanche - Carp Fishing Lakes in France. Two top class Carp fishing lakes of 6 & 8 acres set in the Picardy region, just north of Reims, only 150 miles from Calais that have been established since 1999.

The lakes contain a really good head of carp averaging around 20lb with specimens to over 50lb as well as some very large catfish to over 100lb, the largest in 2009 topping the 96lb mark. Onsite facilities include hot showers and English toilets. There is also a mobile home that is available for optional hire.

Address: Etangs de la Croix Blanche, 22 rue Principale 02820 Berrieux, France
Species: carp, catfish
Tel: 0033 962 20 56 44     Mobile: 0033 670 90 04 33
Prices: call fishery for latest prices

Read 15533 times Last modified on Sunday, 20 September 2009 17:51
More in this category: « Lac du Logerie, La Puye

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